Welcome to The Stylista Society

Your one-stop shop for styling advice, outfit inspiration and a community of supportive women.

About Me

Founded by Personal Stylist, Sabrina Cheema, The Stylista Society is both a learning hub and community designed to help you learn one of the greatest life skills ever...styling yourself confidently.

The main aim of The Stylista Society is to empower you with the knowledge of how to dress for your body shape, your style aesthetic and your lifestyle without having to spend hours scrolling, hundreds ordering and days returning items. 

When you join, you'll receive a PDF which will help you to identify your body shape and proportions, from there you can easily navigate the network to find women of the same shape and resources specifically for your shape.

With weekly style videos, realistic outfit inspiration and multiple feeds to ask questions and get advice in, The Stylista Society really is your one stop shop for style.

Why You Should Join Us

Upon joining, you will get access to my Body Shape PDF which will help you to identify your body shape, height and vertical proportions. With this knowledge you will have access to a range of resources, outfit inspiration and style advice for your shape. You'll even have access to a chat with other women with the same shape so that you can discuss similar style issues you may have.

Sabrina tackles a different style theme each month with weekly videos, monthly shopping guides for your shape, Live Q&As as well as a monthly Live with a guest speaker. There is a general feed as well as body shape specific ones where you can get the community's advice on recent purchases, outfit choices or other style related questions and where you can request content or ask questions directly to Sabrina for her expert advice.

The Stylista Society is the next best thing to having your very own Personal Stylist in your pocket as well as a whole new host of besties.